How To Organize A Well-Written Research Paper On Gun Control

All well-written and though-out research papers contain three major parts: the introduction, the paragraph body, and the conclusion. Additional elements of a research paper may require evidence from specific sources as well as proper citation of those sources.

Here’s a basic formula for you to follow to organize a well-written research paper on gun control:


An introduction is a general opening to the topic, with some background, questions, and points of debate. Effective introductions begin general and move towards specific, concluding with a concise, well-worded thesis statement which asserts your argument on the topic.

Introductions should compel the reader to continue reading your research paper, as well as direct him or her to the argument you will be making. Two great ways of catching your reader’s attention are by introducing some well-thought out quotes in support of or against gun control, and providing some background about existing policy. Whether or not your audience is versed in gun control laws, a brief summary of the most pertinent law would certainly help your research paper.

Paragraph Body:

The paragraph body is where you include evidence in support of your thesis. Generally, speaking a research paper will be longer than the standard 5 paragraph essay or term paper, so the number of paragraphs in the body could vary widely.

Supporting information within the paragraph body can be arguments, analyses, evaluations, persuasions and comparisons. After the thesis, the body of the paper is the most important part of a well-written research paper. It needs to be organized with each paragraph containing a topic sentence that clearly supports your thesis and directs the reader to what the paragraph will discuss. Concluding sentences in each body paragraph should be well-thought and transition seamlessly to the next paragraph.

In dealing with an issue like gun control, you will find a number of print and online resources. You should provide the most recent data or facts in support of your argument, without ignoring any information that disproves it. The best way to approach conflicting information is to offer a point-counterpoint approach where you bring up opposing figures and attempt to discredit them with more relevant and well-argued information. In research papers, all support for your thesis should be cited correctly. There are several different styles for citation, and the one to use will depend largely on your intended audience.


A concluding paragraph will be general statement about the topic that summarizes the major evidence you have brought up in support of your thesis. It’s important that you stick with only the information you have already included in the paragraph body of your research paper, and not introduce new topics or arguments. A well-written conclusion allows you to have a final say on the issues you presented and propel your reader to a new view or take on the subject.

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